Thursday, October 29, 2015

Levels of Financial Freedom – Part 3

We have seen from level four (4) to level three (3) was like a magic where suddenly have some passive income but very minimal amount and cannot be used as our core income in our life due to insufficient amount. So, we can move ahead for higher level?

Again to achieve higher level is not something can be achieved overnight but will take some time and efforts to reach there. Now, to be in level two (2) where our passive income could cater our expenses or is higher than our expenses will be more challenging because we have trained ourselves to spend more than 50% of active income (very common scenario). Remember that our passive income still lower than our active income in this level two (2) but somehow able to cater our expenses. In this level, our passive income not possibly from dividends only but should be some other means like in property investment, businesses, etc. Bear in mind that all these must be halal and legitimate so that we are seen as the most handsome or beautiful person financially.

Similar to level three (3), we could reduce first our expenses so that we can develop our confident level to go ahead for sourcing some means of passive income. There so many means where we can get passive income but ensure we are well equipped with knowledge so that risk and loss can be minimized. Don’t simply attempt without knowledge, and the worst part is don’t simply acquire knowledge without taking any action (I hope you can get my point). Once you’re taking action, then experience will follow and you’ll find your skills much better than the beginning of your involvement.

Great! Now we have reached level two (2) and eager to go for level one (1) where anyone in this earth are looking to be in this level. What is the main difference? Obviously, passive income more dominant than active income and it could be passive income is much higher than total of active income and expenses. How it could happen? This is something like from level four (4) to level three (3) where the skills play a role to acquire more means of passive income; you’ll experience once you have reached level two (2). Many more to come on this passive income in future articles. So, stay tune with me!

The key element to be financially free here is that we must be very passionate and patient in achieving our target because there will be so many challenges along the way. Always remember “where is will, there are multi-ways”.

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