Sunday, November 22, 2015

Investment - Savings

I believe most of us believe that the key element to start investment is start with investing in knowledge. I have written about investing in knowledge in previous article(s). What would be the next step or next level of investment after we started some research on knowledge either by reading, listening, attending seminars, etc.?

I also have written on savings which really important before start investing in something halal and legitimate. It is really important for us to have some savings before we start our investment and I believe most of us know the importance of it. What? Not really sure? Then, I suggest to read again on my previous articles on savings Part 1 and Part 2.

My personal opinion before we start invest, we should have our reserve fund for at least 6 months to sustain without any source of income. All these are not something to be developed overnight but it is possible if we practice very “healthy” Lifestyle over the time. Whoever really willing to start with some investments but there is none of savings then it’s like to construct a house without the pillars. How is it possible to have a house without the pillars? So, answer to yourself honestly before you take any further action. Always remember that better to be not-rich than poor! Why?! Spare some time and think about this.

I know there are people will claim that we can’t go far just by saving and I totally agree with this statement. I also believe in that where we can go nowhere just by saving. Again, remember that savings is one of the foundation before we start investing after we invested in knowledge. Why all these are important? Spare some time and read Real Investment.

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