Monday, November 9, 2015

Consistency - Part 2

We have discussed on acquiring knowledge and experience consistently by reading, sharing, and asking. So, now it’s the time to take action! We have discussed about Savings in previous article which is key element before we start develop our investment portfolio. Hence, how it can be done and materialized? And more importantly is consistently!

I believe almost all of us are earning salary or monthly income consistently and why not we reflect it into our saving too! It has very powerful element in order to success with consistent saving. People always emphasizing on steady (or consistent) income but hardly people emphasizing on consistent saving. Hence, again as highlighted in my previous article on Earning Vs Saving where I emphasized on the percentage of saving compared to the actual amount because it shows the CONSISTENCY. Again I would like emphasize here that we must consistently allocate our hard-earned money (steady income) for steady saving to ensure we can expedite to develop our investment portfolio.

Our way forward towards financial freedom is mainly to develop consistency on saving from our consistent active income. By having this steady income, must ensure that we can have consistent saving too on monthly basis. When we can develop our consistent saving automatically we can generate passive income consistently (with assumption no money is spent from saving dividends). As we develop further, there will be consistent passive income higher than our steady active income (please read Levels in Financial Freedom). You’ll see the miracle when we do it consistently from beginning, where financial freedom is just ahead of us and it’s possible to achieve.

If you notice, this CONSISTENCY will actually develop attitude to achieve our goal toward financial freedom. Anything we want to develop must develop from attitude, not specifically only finance subject matter but anything on earth. So, key element to success is attitude which has to be developed from habit which actually CONSISTENCY. Hence, when we can do it consistently you’ll see that you’ll slowly, steadily, and consistently will develop your investment portfolio. Let us start do it consistently!

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