Saturday, October 31, 2015

Kepentingan Kewangan Peribadi – Bahagian 1

Kenapakah pengurusan kewangan peribadi amat penting dalam kehidupan seharian kita sekiranya ingin mencapai status “financially freed”? Apakah unsu-unsur yang penting dalam menjamin kewangan peribadi kita selaras dengan matlamat kewangan kita? Apa? Keluar sama dengan masuk? Apakah yang boleh difahami dengan analogi tersebut? Sebagai seorang jurutera kimia/proses, keseimbangan jisim dan tenaga adalah amat penting. Sekiranya pemahaman terhadap keseimbangan jisim dan tenaga sudah kukuh maka mudahlah subjek-subjek yang akan datang. Saya secara peribadi mengalami trauma dalam subjek ini sewaktu tahun pertama pengajian dengan mitos bahawa subjek keseimbangan jisim dan tenaga amat sukar dan selalunya pelajar akan gagal.

Selalunya mitos akan mempengaruhi cara pemikiran kita sekiranya tidak dilengkapi dengan ilmu yang betul dan cukup dalam memahami sesuatu perkara. Kembali kepada subjek keseimbangan jisim dan tenaga, pada awalnya berasa sukar kerana perasaan takut dengan cerita-cerita mitos daripada rakan-rakan senior yang telah diturunkan generasi ke generasi. Haha atau huhu? Haha! Memandangkan pensyarah kami pada tahun dibahagikan kepada dua (2) pensyarah; satu pensyarah untuk keseimbangan jisim dan satu pensyarah lagi untuk keseimbangan tenaga, saya mendapati subjek tu agak sukar difahami pada awalnya kerana cara penyampaian lebih berpandukan teori semata-mata. Nota untuk keseimbangan jisim yang disediakan pensyarah pertama lagi tebal daripada buku teks untuk keseluruhan silibes dan nota daripada pensyarah kedua yang ditugaskan untuk keseimbangan tenaga adalah kurang 50 muka surat. Untuk pengetahuan semua, untuk memahami keseimbangan tenaga, kita perlu asas yang kuat dalam keseimbangan jisim. Boleh bayangkan dilema kami semua pada tahun itu? Ya! Memang seram!
Apa yang saya ingin sampaikan di sini dalam pengurusan kewangan peribadi adalah mengenai cara pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan memberi impak yang besar dalam menghasilkan sesuatu keberkesanan. Oleh yang demikian, pelajari ilmu kewangan supaya kita akan boleh menghasilkan suatu impak yang amat berkesan dalam mencapai matlamat kita untuk “financially freed”.

Mungkin ramai yang masih buntu mengenai kaitan subjek saya ambil sebagai seorang pelajar kejuruteraan kimia dengan kewangan peribadi kita. Seperti yang diilustrasikan dalam maksud perkataan “keseimbangan” maka amatlah penting juga dalam keseimbangan kewangan kita dalam memantau aliran tunai kita. Pengurusan aliran tunai yang mantap akan menghasilkan suatu keseimbangan dalam kewangan peribadi kita yakni aliran kemasukan dan keluaran dapat dikenal pasti. Sekiranya kita dapat kenal pasti segala yang masuk dan keluar, barulah kita dapat mengoptimumkan simpanan kita dan seterusnya dapat meneruskan agenda dalam pelaburan untuk mencapai kebebasan kewangan. Pengurusan aliran tunai yang mantap adalah faktor utama dalam mencerminkan kejayaan sesebuah syarikat kerana keuntungan dan kerugian dapat dilihat dan dapat diunjurkan dalam mengoptimumkannya di masa hadapan. Nantikan kemunculan artikel baru mengenai kepentingan kewangan peribadi yang akan mengulas berpandukan pengalaman peribadi saya dalam menguruskan aliran tunai untuk memaksimakan simpanan untuk pelaburan terutamanya dalam hartanah.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Levels of Financial Freedom – Part 3

We have seen from level four (4) to level three (3) was like a magic where suddenly have some passive income but very minimal amount and cannot be used as our core income in our life due to insufficient amount. So, we can move ahead for higher level?

Again to achieve higher level is not something can be achieved overnight but will take some time and efforts to reach there. Now, to be in level two (2) where our passive income could cater our expenses or is higher than our expenses will be more challenging because we have trained ourselves to spend more than 50% of active income (very common scenario). Remember that our passive income still lower than our active income in this level two (2) but somehow able to cater our expenses. In this level, our passive income not possibly from dividends only but should be some other means like in property investment, businesses, etc. Bear in mind that all these must be halal and legitimate so that we are seen as the most handsome or beautiful person financially.

Similar to level three (3), we could reduce first our expenses so that we can develop our confident level to go ahead for sourcing some means of passive income. There so many means where we can get passive income but ensure we are well equipped with knowledge so that risk and loss can be minimized. Don’t simply attempt without knowledge, and the worst part is don’t simply acquire knowledge without taking any action (I hope you can get my point). Once you’re taking action, then experience will follow and you’ll find your skills much better than the beginning of your involvement.

Great! Now we have reached level two (2) and eager to go for level one (1) where anyone in this earth are looking to be in this level. What is the main difference? Obviously, passive income more dominant than active income and it could be passive income is much higher than total of active income and expenses. How it could happen? This is something like from level four (4) to level three (3) where the skills play a role to acquire more means of passive income; you’ll experience once you have reached level two (2). Many more to come on this passive income in future articles. So, stay tune with me!

The key element to be financially free here is that we must be very passionate and patient in achieving our target because there will be so many challenges along the way. Always remember “where is will, there are multi-ways”.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Levels of Financial Freedom – Part 2

We have discussed about the worst level or stage of the ranking in financial freedom ruler. Wow!!! It seems like music chart where we have ranking will be changing by weekly basis and similarly our aim to move on to be the best level in financial freedom ruler.

The next level or level five (5) will be the expenses is equivalent to the active income or the monthly salary received by us. This seems like not an issue but ultimately will affect our goal to achieve financial freedom. What would be the possible ways to bring our level to next level (level 4)? Exactly! Similar approach like we did to move from level six (6) to level five (5). What? Forgot? Yes, then you have to read, read, and read even the same materials until we take it into action.

After we have cut expenses and increase our income (mainly active income), we should able to move to level four (4) where our expenses is less than our active income which may put under savings which ultimately will be used as our fund or capital for investments. All this lift-up process of the levels will not happen overnight but will take some time and we have to be passionate and patient to move steadily. Remember about consistency!

So, we have some savings from surplus of our active income and we should have put somewhere to give us some return which is mainly some dividends because at this level this is the only potential passive income for us (even there are potential better investment with proper planning). Without noticing it, we have moved to level three (3) where we have some passive income but definitely much lower than our expenses.

Let us digest first these three (3) levels here before we proceed higher level which are level 2 and ultimately level 1. Digest here is not only read, read, and read but also understand prior to take action. Definitely later we must take action to make it realistic. Whoever have reached this level, CONGRATULATION! We’ll move ahead to higher level soon.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Levels of Financial Freedom – Part 1

How can we gauge our financial freedom level in life? Are we healthy enough financially? How to optimize it? What are the supplements can be taken to improve our healthiness? All these are important because we can only improve if we are able to detect our own loopholes. It’s not sufficient only by knowing the loopholes but must know how to rectify it so that our goal for financial freedom can materialized as we planned.

I personally segregate level of financial freedom into six (6) different levels by referring to our active income, passive income, expenses, and savings. How all these four (4) items are very important? These are the tools can gauge our attitude and reflect it into our financially healthiness which can be rectified if we have certain “diseases” which may be harming our goal to achieve our financial freedom.
The worst level ever in financial freedom is where our expenses is more than our active income. What? Where is our passive income? My friend, if there deficit in our balance sheet, it shows that there is no other income except our active income. In this situation, the most probable causes are due to bad debts and money spent to unnecessary items, i.e. updating gadgets based on latest available models which ultimately reflect our bad habit in finance subject matter. So, how to rectify it to be at the best level or at least one level higher than this worst level? You may go on How To Start Saving - Part 1 and How To Start Saving - Part 2 as a starter to rectify your "illness" and comment if have some specific area to be discussed.

We will discuss more on the remaining five (5) levels in the next coming article Levels of Financial Freedom – Part 2. List down all our passive income, active income, and expenses so that we can gauge our level if we are lucky enough not to be in this level. Again! Remember that money could be the Cash King but knowledge is the QUEEN to manage our wealth wisely.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Berapakah simpanan kita setakat ini? Mampukah ianya dipanggil simpanan untuk menampung perbelanjaan bulanan kita sekurang-kurangnya selama enam (6) bulan? Apakah kepentingan daripada simpanan wang hasil gaji kita? Adakah seseorang yang bergelar sebagai pelabur memulakan pelaburannya tanpa mempunyai sebarang simpanan atau di dunia pelaburan tanpa mempunyai tunai di tangan?

Sikap kita dalam memupuk untuk menyimpan wang gaji atau lebih dikenali sebagai perolehan aktif yakni diperoleh dengan hasil kita bekerja bukan wang yang bekerja adalah faktor utama yang meyakinkan kita sama ada berdisiplinkah kita dalam menceburkan diri dalam pelaburan. Ini adalah kerana pengurusan kewangan peribadi memainkan peranan yang penting sebelum bermulanya sesuatu pelaburan. Sekiranya kita tidak dapat menguruskan pendapatan actif mana mungkin dapat menguruskan pendapatan pasif.

Peruntukkan sebahagian daripada gaji kita untuk simpanan atau untuk pelaburan tidaklah begitu sukar sekiranya kita dilengkapi dengan ilmu dengan disiplin untuk diamalkan. Ini adalah kerana kejayaan dalam pelaburan adalah amat bergantung kepada disiplin atau sikap kita untuk berjaya. Sikap kita yang berpaksikan disiplin amatlah penting untuk memupuk sikap menabung secara konsisten bagi menjamin keperluan kecemasan yang mencukupi di samping sebagai permulaan untuk pelaburan.

Bagi yang sudah memulakan aktiviti menabung sewaktu kecil di sekolah sehingga istiqamah ke alam kerjaya, syabas saya ucapkan kerana dapat mendisiplinkan diri memupuk sikap menabung. Sekiranya belum, apakah anda patut lakukan? Sudah semestinya memulakan secepat mungking supaya tidak ketinggalan jauh. Selagi mana anda sudah memulakan walaupun seminit yang sudah, anda tidaklah dikira sebagai sudah terlambat malah anda masih bersama orang sudah menabung.

Saya ingin tekankan di sini bahawa amoun bukanlah perkara yang amat penting dalam memupuk sikap menabung malah konsistensi adalah faktor utama dalam mereliasasikan matlamat menabung kita yang seterusnya akan menjadi panduan untuk memulakan pelaburan. Pelaburan yang mungkin boleh dibincangkan daripada pelbagai peluang yang berlandaskan syariat Islam. Namun, saya secara peribadi akan membincangkan pelaburan hartanah di masa akan datang.

Sebagai contoh kita boleh andaikan satu senario; Afnan memulakan kerjayanya sebagai seorang jurutera dengan gaji sebanyak RM 2,000 dan memaksa untuk menyimpan sebanyak RM 1,000 walhal kos sara hidup beliau adalah melebihi RM 1,000 berdasarkan keadaan ekonomi sekarang. Maka, Afnan seharusnya lebih bersikap realistik supaya simpanan daripada sebahagian gajinya akan konsisten dari masa ke semasa. Jadi, apakah peratus simpanan yang rasional bagi beliau? Saya sarankan simpanan beliau boleh ditingkatkan sebanyak 5% setiap tahun yang mana permulaannya boleh dimulakan dengan 5% daripada gajinya. Setelah simpanan ini menjadi amalan, secara otomatiknya kita boleh Nampak kesan yang menakjubkan di mana kita akan teruja untuk meningkatkan simpanan kita dan seterusnya akan mendapatkan keyakinan untuk memulakan pelaburan kita walaupun pada mulanya mungkin permulaan yang kecil tetapi kesannya amat memberangsankang.

Nantikan artikel-artikel pada masa akan datang terutamanya mengenai kewangan peribadi dan pelaburan hartanah yang akan dikongsikan berdasarkan pengalaman peribadi saya.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Anything human made will have both pros and contras. So, as human being we must able to differentiate so that we can really benefit from those human made ideologies, products, etc. Similarly as we discussed for our savings that possibly implemented might be impossible for some other people. What would be potential causes to make it impossible to this group? Hehe! Back to the topic of this article, which is "Excuses". So, identify our excuses so that we can eliminate this culprit (excuses) to make our plan for savings to be possible.

Why is this culprit can exist and stopping us from taking action so that our dream can be materialized? Attitude? Education level? Be precise with the "education" my friend! Yes! Financial education level! What else could be the potential causes spreading this virus among us and stopping us from being rich?

How is this culprit or virus can be reduced and ultimately eliminate from our attitude in order to start implement our target for financial freedom which is the basis fundamental is by savings? Again, as highlighted in previous article on How To Start Saving - Part 1 and How To Start Saving - Part 2 we must very particular on our inflow and outflow to monitor the exact flow of our money. Hence, "Excuses" is just matter of attitude and can be eliminate slowly with some level of knowledge in finance subject matter.

So, how we can eliminate this virus from our attitude in order to achieve our financial freedom? Let us discuss in new article to be published soon. Coming soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How To Start Saving – Part 2

Let say you have started saving part of your net monthly salary but not consistent over the time because of some circumstances. What would be the scenario this could happen? Before that, any of us experienced it? Answer honestly so that it can be rectified. Be honest, nobody is perfect in doing anything. As a human being, people tend to do mistakes. So, learn from the mistakes to lift ourselves one (1) level higher compared to others that never attempt at all.

This scenario could happen if we started our saving with very high portion whereby it is not possible to allocate such huge portion if this is our first experience to allocate our income for the savings. Hence, be realistic with our intention where we could start with 5% our income then slowly develop discipline to maintain monthly saving. From there, we can gradually increase our saving based on annual basis with another 5%. Bear in mind that this is the portion or percentage whereby the absolute figures (savings) could be higher if there are salary increment or adjustment on annual basis.

How to increase the percentage of our savings from first year to the following years? As discussed earlier on salary increment or adjustment, there are lot more ways that we can increase our active income (hard-earned income). Some might ask how it is possible if we are just an employee with fixed monthly income and no other source of income. So, how is it possible? Is it a joke? Haha! Have you done with your laughing? Then, let us discuss how we can get extra income by maintaining our permanent job. Be frank, to discuss about how to get additional income could be a separate topic with more than 200 pages but let us just brainstorm what could possibly be done to increase our monthly income.

Definitely there are people good are certain area and willing to share it with others and the mean of doing so can be called as tuition or consultancy. So, by teaching to others with reasonable fees could surplus our normal monthly income. Great! Now you have extra source of income besides normal routine job. What?! You can’t teach? Then, you might sell something by buying in bulk and selling at retail price. Obviously we must ensure those are halal (for Muslim) and legitimate in our country.

There is indirect way to increase our saving which is by reducing our expenses, it could be unnecessary which might not be really needed but due to some circumstances we’ve been buying or subscribing. Hence, by stop buying or unsubscribing will give extra value to our savings. Again it is not difficult to allocate some portion of our salary for the savings where if we could do both scenario; increase active income and reducing expenses. By doing so, we may can allocate saving up to 20% because it is very rare case we need more than 50% of our salary if properly manage our expenses.

Last but not least, discipline and consistency is the crucial part in developing our skills for the financial freedom. All these only can be achieved with passionate to follow our plan systematically and consistently. Don’t wait my friends, start doing it because the moment you started you’re not too late.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Start Saving – Part 1

Key element to start to be financially free is discipline to do saving from the active income. If a person doesn’t has any saving then it is difficult to get along the right track for financial freedom. Why it is very important to start with savings prior to investment or to achieve financial freedom?

Whoever we are, how old we are, it is not too late as long as we just started a minute ago. The key point is that we must start have savings. It could be very difficult for us if we never practised to allocate our salary for the savings with so many monthly commitment to pay. If we have done it before then it is very practical for us. It would be much more helpful if we could make it as a habit to allocate part of our salary for the savings. For those who started career with less than a year could be much simpler to discipline ourselves by assuming no commitment in place yet.

It is very simple to start saving if we can follow our plan by listing our net salary with all the monthly expenses. Again it is not about the amount but percentage and consistency throughout our life towards our goal to achieve financial freedom. By listing the numbers, we can easily illustrate our savings because most of the time will not lie to us unless we lied to ourselves on the numbers. Clear? Or not really clear? Or totally blur? What I meant here is that we should be honest with listing so that more reasonable plan can be implemented. Let say we just started our career with no experience in savings, then don’t be too optimistic to put more than 50% of our net salary. I’m not saying it is impossible but we don’t drive start with higher gear to drive faster but we should start with lower gear to get speed and then slowly we’ll speed by changing to higher gear.

For instance, take an example to get better picture on it. Case study; Afnan started career as an engineer with salary of RM 2,000 and force himself with saving of RM 1,000 whereby the living cost itself could be more than RM 1,000 with current market price for rental, transportation, foods, etc. Hence, he has to be realistic when giving driving force to allocate his salary for savings. So, what would be the saving percentage? I would suggest to go for 5% or 10% first then slowly develop skills to increase the portion as time flies. As time flies, don’t increase lifestyle but increase the saving portions and we can see the effect really tremendous without we notice it.

As highlighted earlier, when we allocate our money for savings, consistency play a big role towards our goal to create our investment portfolio and ultimately to achieve financial freedom.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Knowing the Rules

One of key element to achieve financial freedom is via knowing the rules to be rich. We must fully aware and knowledge about the rules in financial matter including banking, taxation, etc. How we can benefit from knowing the rules?

To answer on how we can benefit is mainly on how we can fully utilize the rules to protect our savings or investments. As a footballer, he must know the rules on do’s and don’ts when playing for a team. Before ahead with skills, we must fully aware all relevant rules in any fields. Similarly, we must know the fundamental in finance subject matter then develop the skills as experience grows.

Experience in finance subject matter could be developed directly from own experience or indirectly by reading, attending talks, etc. Gaining experience not necessarily would be something positive but negative as well from both ways either direct or indirect. However, applying both experiences appropriately could lead to awesome results where almost all risks taken are measurable risks and able to minimize it. Rule of thumb in finance subject matter or developing investment portfolio it is recommended to gain as much of negative experiences from secondary sources.

How can we define our secondary experiences to avoid this happen to us while executing our tasks towards financial freedom? As highlighted earlier, we must able to gain somebody else experiences via reading books, attending talks, seminars, chatting, etc. which normally this well-known investor have published their books to be shared publicly so that people can benefit from their previous loopholes.

Gaining secondary experiences can be one of the way knowing the rules in developing investment portfolio where there could be something totally new to us since we are not familiar with the particular investment area. Hence, whatever investment portfolio we’re developing we must know the rules which is must be obviously legitimate in our country and it is halal for Muslims. Again, educate ourselves with knowledge so that we’re always up-to-date with latest rules and always conscious with any potential opportunities.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Define Your Basis

What we know about our basis? Why exactly we need the basis? In whatever scenario when comes to execution then we must have very clear basis so that we know what are we doing instead of what others know what we’re doing.

People always want to be rich and super rich. Very little people want to be not-poor because they don’t have clear basis in their financial goal. It’s good to be rich or super rich but it is essential to be not-poor so that no body hurt either physically or emotionally.

To be rich we must define our basis or step-by-step way forward to be rich or at least to reach financial freedom. In order to reach that, we must develop our basis to be followed along the way. How can we achieve this if we don’t have saving to start investment. How to get start saving if we don’t have proper to basis to follow? So, we must first define our basis prior to start saving which later lead to our investment portfolio. The basis could be modified and updated further once we start getting our minor goal based on our basis.

Let say we want to start with some investment in property but have no capital to start and what would be the strategy to define our basis? Definitely the property’s price will be the first basis for us to follow then will dictate the next basis which to acquire the amount of fund for the down payment of the property. Later the amount for down payment will be the following basis which we have to follow so that we’re on the track to get materialize our first investment portfolio. When defining the basis, the duration to accomplish the goal is a vital basis. So, we must define the basis how long we need to accumulate the down payment amount. From the duration we can define the monthly saving to be allocated for this investment portfolio.

To illustrate the scenario let us consider an example of case study. Let say Afnan want to buy a property worth of RM 120,000 as the first property and the first basis will be the property’s price. Then second basis will be the to accumulate down payment amount of RM 12,000 which later dictate following basis which is timeframe. If Afnan wants it to be materialized within a year then he needs to discipline himself to allocate monthly saving of RM 1,000. Hence, when Afnan follows step-by-step of his basis that he developed earlier obviously it’s not impossible to achieve his dream towards financial freedom.

Always remeber that when defining our basis, it must be rational so that it is feasible to follow and implement. So!!! What are you waiting for if you can define your own!